Covid-19 - March 20 - Update from Dean Maioni
Dear Members of the Faculty of Arts community,
We have all experienced a stressful week of adjustment and adaptation as we take action to face the COVID-19 global pandemic. While there is still much uncertainty and more change to come, I want to thank you all for your resilience and patience in these trying times.
The Faculty of Arts community has come together in an extraordinary way to meet unprecedented challenges, and we are making rapid progress in addressing disruptions to our working, teaching, and learning routines. I am very proud of all of your efforts, your understanding, and your continued dedication to the Faculty and to McGill University.
We now have updated our Faculty website, which I urge you to consult regularly: You will find an inventory of University and Faculty messages, relevant to students, staff, and instructors, as well a link to McGill's official COVID-19 FAQ page that is being continually revised with new and pertinent information.
As Dean, I am in constant contact with the Emergency Operations Centre and the Academic Planning Group of McGill University. The Associate Deans and the Director of Administration have been deploying great efforts to keep the Faculty up and running, as have our outstanding team of Chairs and Directors, and we are all here to answer any further questions you may have.
Please remember that all of our individual and collective efforts are directed at responding to an unprecedented public health crisis. Please take care of your health, wherever you may be!
Antonia Maioni
Dean of Arts, McGill University
Antonia Maioni, Dean of Arts (Antonia.maioni [at]
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs (jim.engle-warnick [at]
Associate Dean for Student Affairs (lucy.lach [at]
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (Michael.fronda [at]
Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs and Research (Tabitha.sparks [at]