Career Fairs
Career fairs are organized by the Career Planning Service, often in collaboration with faculty associations and student groups. These events offer students an excellent opportunity to connect with company representatives across various industries. Â
Emerging Leaders: Power and Leadership
This workshop helps students explore positional power and social influence, particularly as it relates to their individual identities.
Future Interns Club Information Session
CVs & CLs (Arts Intrenship Office)
Prepare for your AIO internship application with CaPS! We will share tips, advice and insight to make sure your CV and cover letter tell your story and highlight your skills, experience and unique value to an employer.
Emerging Leaders: Communication
In this session, students learn about effective methods for communication and challenge themselves to consider potential obstacles when communicating cross-culturally.
Emerging Leaders: Conflict Management
Through this highly interactive workshop, students will work across potential disputes to balance their positionality and needs with the potentially conflicting desires of others.
Emerging Leaders: Citizenship & Culture
This session challenges students to relate leadership to citizenship, and to consider how these ideas could be practiced while at university.
Design Thinking and Your Career for BAs : Intro to DYL & Odyssey Plans (part 1) WYBA
Odyssey Planning is an imaginative and playful way to explore career paths and lifestyle aims, and to reframe your 5-year plan.
Work Your B.A. 2025 Career Events
Looking for career ideas, information, inspiration, motivation and advice?! Come to Work Your BA events to explore options, learn about different fields, and connect with McGill Alumni.
McGill's Career Planning Service (CaPS) and the Arts Undergraduate Society (AUS) have organized a buffet of events to feed your career curiosity.
LinkedIn Extravaganza
Write your CV
CV or Resume in need of a boost? Bring your CV or Resume and join peers for a writing session in the Downtown CaPS offices. CV and Resume samples, guides, and resources will be available.
BA Myth Busters (Drop-in Coffee Chat) (WYBA)
Feeling unsure about what you can do with a Bachelor of Arts degree?
Careers in Policy w/ Prof. Neil Bouwer
Interested in a Policy Career in the Government of Canada?  Neil Bouwer, a longtime "policy wonk" will describe what is involved in a policy career in the Government of Canada. He will describe the policy-making environment, the skills and competencies required, and some of the pathways of a successful policy career. There will be a Q&A session with Neil following the presentation. OR Curious about policy careers in the Government of Canada?
B.A. Lawyer: Is Law School for You? Get the Scoop! (WYBA)
Law School… Should you go? What’s it like? How do you get in? This event will feature information and advice from McGill Law's Assistant Dean of Admissions and Recruitment, current law students and law alumni.
Emerging Leaders: Motivation
Opening with an energizing activity, this workshop will challenge students to examine their perceptions and definitions of motivation. Common themes will be explored as students discuss and discover how to find inspiration in daily life.