
Marie, a person helped by the ACEF de la Rive-Sud

The impact of your gift

Marie, a person helped by the . Marie would like to be able to go to the movies and buy presents for her beloved grandchildren, but for now, her hope is to find affordable housing, such as a co-op or social housing, just so she can “live”, quite simply. (YouTube).

Centraide'smission is to fight poverty and social exclusion by acting on the issuesthat are most likely to bring about lasting and significant change in people’s lives.

To ensureyour donations change lives for life,Centraide supports a vast network of agencies that work in four areas of action:

  1. Support Youth Success:Get young people on the road to success to break the cycle of poverty and social exclusion.
  2. Take Care of the Essentials:Help young and old access adequate food and housing.
  3. Break Social Isolation:Make sure that everyone can fully participate and contribute in society, no matter what their age, sex, origin or abilities.
  4. Build Caring Communities:Unite the strengths of residents and agencies so that together they can improve the living conditions in their neighbourhoods.

Want to know more about how the money you give to Centraide is spent and what kind of people it goes to?

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