

Centennial Conference on Lévinas and Law

Published: 20 September 2006

Held September 16-18, the Conference attracted over 100 scholars from around the world and from different disciplines – law, philosophy, ethics, theology, Jewish studies, anthropology, politics, communications and more.

The event was kicked off by the vernissage of an art exhibition entitled Ethics of Encounter. Curated by Sandra Buckley and Lorraine Oades, it showcased the work of ten artists and was designed to complement the conference's theme.

Among the proceedings was a discussion of Professor Desmond Manderson's book Proximity, Lévinas and the Soul of Law, led by Simon Critchley, a professor of philosophy at the New School of Social Research in New York. The varied and extensive program included presentations on aesthetics, jurisprudence, reconciliation, politics and law by over 55 speakers.

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