

Nandini Ramanujam appointed director of Centre for Human Rights & Legal Pluralism

Published: 7 July 2006

The Faculty is pleased to announce that Dr. Nandini Ramanujam has been appointed as executive director of the Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism. A trained economist with considerable experience in the fields of higher education, development and human rights, Dr. Ramanujam will be bringing her valuable skills and knowledge to the Centre in its foundational years.

A graduate of Oxford, Dr. Ramanujam has been working on human rights issues for many years. Internationally, she was a consultant for the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights, advising with respect to strategic planning, governance and programming. She has been sitting on the Board of Directors of the Canadian Human Rights Foundation since 2001.

In 2003, Dr. Ramanujam became president of the Canadian Human Rights Foundation, a volunteer position she still holds today. As president of CHRF, she worked very closely with its executive director to restructure and revitalize the organization, ultimately leading to its rebranding as Equitas in December 2005.

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