
Le dimanche 9 septembre , de 10h à 16h, c’est un rendez-vous sur plus de 100fermes partout au Québec et au Parc olympique de Montréal pour la 16eédition des Portes ouvertes sur les fermes du Québec....Présenté par l’UPA depuis 2003, cet événement familial gratuit permet de visiter des fermes qui en plus de leur accueil offrent des dégustations de produits régionaux, démonstrations agricoles, rencontres avec des experts tels que vétérinaires et agronomes et, surtout, un contact privilégié avec les gens de passion qui se cachent derrière nos bons produits d’ici.

Classified as: Portes Ouvertes UPA, UPA Open House
Published on: 20 Aug 2018

McGill University’s Macdonald Campus Farm is embarking on an ambitious project to renovate the century old dairy barn into a new centre to welcome visitors to the world of food production. The only operating dairy farm on the island of Montreal, the Macdonald Campus Farm, welcomes school visits during the months of May and June only.

Classified as: Community Engagement Centre, Macdonald Campus Farm
Published on: 30 May 2017

A friend realized his life’s dream through one of the generous programs offered by the [Macdonald] campus of McGill University in Saint Anne-de-Bellevue…

Macdonald campus, therefore, is a God-send.

Classified as: Farm to School, farming, Macdonald Campus Farm
Published on: 12 Jul 2016

City TV's morning show, Breakfast Television, spent an early morning on the Macdonald Campus Farm to hear about McGill's agriculture programs and try to learn some farm skills. Visits were made to the Dairy Barn, the Horticulture Centre, and the high tunnels; reporter Wilder Weir talked with Farm Director Paul Meldrum and Mike Bleho about the various programs offered at Macdonald and the "McGill Feeding McGill" program.

Classified as: Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Macdonald Campus, Macdonald Campus Farm
Published on: 2 Oct 2015


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