
Andrew Potter, the debate continues

Amid the fallout from former McGill Institute for the Study of Canada director Andrew Potter’s Maclean’s article about stranded motorists, the Globe and Mail interviewed McGill Principal Suzanne Fortier, who defended Professor Potter’s resignation as director of MISC.

Published: 30 Mar 2017

Au programme, dĂ©veloppement personnel et ouverture d’esprit

Learning through sharing in the IMPM 

Desautels Professor Henry Mintzberg criticized the failures of MBAs in his 2004 book, Managers Not MBAs. And if that was his initial volley on the subject, then the International Masters Program for Managers (IMPM) is his manifesto.

Published: 21 Mar 2017

Mal aimé en France, le MBA cherche toujours son identité

The MBA seeks its place in France

To many, an MBA is the springboard for a successful business career — but not so in France, where MBA holders in the 120 top executive suites dropped from 37 per cent in 2011 to 21 per cent in 2015.

Published: 21 Mar 2017

Atypic : agence dévouée au développement du secteur pluriel

A commitment to change: nonprofits, business sense and research in action

Atypic’s founder, Pascal LĂ©pine (EMBA’12) credits a meeting with Henry Mintzberg with giving him the kick he needed to pursue a life in the non-profit sector. His agency aims to work with NGOs, co-ops and other organizations, as well as to spread the word about how important the sector is.

Published: 16 Mar 2017

Leadership lessons for today and tomorrow

A recent post on Changeboard examines what leadership will mean for coming generations, seen through the lens of Brexit and Trump in the world today. The piece throws the question to leading business departments from around the world.

Published: 16 Mar 2017

Para construção de um novo Brasil: consulta popular, eleiçÔes gerais e Assembléia Constituinte

Tenho dito que a corrupção Ă© sistĂȘmica e estrutural e nĂŁo sĂł no Brasil, como os sempre eloquentes vira-latas gostam de dizer por ai com ares cosmopolitas (aliĂĄs, esses nĂŁo passarĂŁo de vira-latas sempre prontos a lamber os sapatos, ou coturnos, de qualquer um que lhes garanta a manutenção e ampliação de seus privilĂ©gios e "direitos adquiridos").

Published: 6 Mar 2017

A concept for a world free of political bullies

In an op-ed piece for the Globe and Mail, Desautels’ Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies Henry Mintzberg decries what he calls our “era of bullies,” naming Trump, Putin and other strong-arm politicians as examples, and asks if we really have to put up with this.

Published: 1 Mar 2017

Ben Tiggelaar deel 3: ‘We moeten de cultuur van kleine bedrijven koesteren en stimuleren’

MT presenteert een serie video's waarin managementtrainer Ben Tiggelaar waardevolle tips over management weggeeft. In deze video spreekt hij over de 'adhocratie' van Henry Mintzberg.

Published: 15 Feb 2017

Professor Henry Mintzberg on meaningful protest in the age of Trump

These days, it seems that there’s a new protest erupting every minute. But in the new reality of the day, are old-school demonstrations and marches enough? And really, were they ever?

Published: 2 Feb 2017

Is Your Government Politically Pathological?

Long before the post-election political maelstrom we’re now experiencing in the U.S. and in many countries around the world, I wrote about four types of organizational political arenas.

Published: 19 Jan 2017

CITY DIARY: Is glamorous ex-Thomas Cook chief Harriet Green angling for a damehood?

Glamorous ex-Thomas Cook chief Harriet Green, 55, now an executive at technology giant IBM, says gushingly of our Prime Minister: 'May is exciting, a grown-up, the right person at the right time to negotiate with Europe.  ...

Published: 17 Jan 2017

Some principles for creating a ‘Sharing Sheffield’

...Brave Leadership: Geo politics shocked the world in 2016.  One of the more positive resuIts has been an increase in powerful, thoughtful leadership from many different places. Henry Mintzberg has written an excellent call to action post and there was one particular tweet which stood out for me over the US elections written by J.K. Rowling.

Published: 12 Jan 2017

Our Favorite MBA Professors Of 2016

Henry Mintzberg: The first rule of academia: “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.”

Published: 9 Jan 2017

The best thing I read all year — 2016

Business school professors share the books and articles that changed their outlook.

Henry Mintzberg, John Cleghorn professor of management studies, McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management

Published: 9 Jan 2017

Whither MBAs? Rigour, relevance and results

An MBA has always been a sought-after qualification among managers. It has been hailed as a competency builder on one hand and hacked as a money spinner for mushrooming institutions.  I read with interest the constructively critical insights by Dr. Rakesh Khurana on elite Harvard MBA. It reminded me of Henry Mintzberg, the veteran management thinker who was also critical about the typical MBAs on offer.  

Published: 6 Jan 2017


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