Special Events
Webinar Series
Precision Convergence Webinar Series
Inventing a Precision Science for a World Reset on Convergence Economy
Co-chaired by: Professor Laurette Dubé, Scientific Director & Founding Chair of MCCHEand , Vice Chancellor for Research Computing and the Director of Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center at the Carnegie Mellon University/University of Pittsburgh
Convergent Innovation Webinar Series: Food Program
Inventing “One-World” Food Solutions for Sustainable Development and Affordable Healthcare
Co-chaired by: ProfessorLaurette Dubé, Scientific Director & Founding Chair of MCCHE and Gordon Bacon, CEO of Pulse Canada.
Brain to Society: Decision and Behavior Seminar Series
Obesity and chronic disease prevention has a place on the agenda of governments and other stakeholders at local, national and global levels. However, as comprehensive as they may be, traditional governmental policies and programs alone cannot reach the scale, scope and speed of changes needed to reverse current obesity and chronic diseases trends.