Dick Menzies
Dr. Dick Menzies received his medical training at McGill University in Montreal and specialty training in Internal Medicine at the Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA. He then worked for 2½ years in Lesotho, Africa, where he was first exposed (literally) to tuberculosis – in all its forms and with all its devastation. He then received sub-specialty training in Respiratory Medicine and a Masters degree in Epidemiology & Biostatistics at McGill University. Dr. Menzies served as Medical Director at the Montreal Chest Institute for a total of 10 years ending in 2002 and then as Director of the Respiratory Division for 9 years. He was also Director of the Respiratory Epidemiology Unit at McGill for almost 15 years and is now Director of the McGill WHO Collaborating Centre in TB Research and the McGill International TB Centre.
Tuberculosis; Biostatistics; Epidemiology; Respiratory disease; Global health