
Annette Granich

Academic title(s): 

Associate Professor

Contact Information
Email address: 
annette.granich [at] mcgill.ca
514-934-1934 ext. 35502


Areas of expertise: 

consultation liaison psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry


Dr. Granich is a consultation liaison psychiatrist at the McGill University Health Centre. She is currently Director of the MUHC CL Service—Adult Sites, and in that capacity administers a service that includes 12 psychiatrists and two clinical nurse specialists. This is an active teaching service that comprises core training for medical students, psychiatry and neurology residents, and psychiatry fellows. She is actively involved in the administration of the teaching program as well as directly in the supervision of the trainees. Her clinical work focuses on general consultations to the medical/surgical wards of the MUHC. She has additional training and expertise in geriatric psychiatry and maintains some clinical involvement in that domain. At McGill University, she is an associate professor in the Department of Psychiatry. She has recently undertaken the directorship of the Psychiatry Fellowship Program. Her scholarly work has focused on resident education, specifically as pertaining to interactions with the pharmaceutical industry, as well as issues related to the residency training program. Recently, her academic work has focused on “liaison” activities. Nationally, she is a on the Board of the Canadian Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine and is a founding member of that organization.

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