
Ursula Stochaj

Academic title(s): 

Associate Professor

Ursula Stochaj
Contact Information
Email address: 
Ursula.stochaj [at] mcgill.ca
Areas of expertise: 

The Stochaj lab is interested in two major research areas: (1) cell physiology and (2) bio-nano interactions. We use a variety of quantitative approaches to understand cellular homeostasis under normal, stress and disease conditions. In particular, our group examines the changes of proteostasis and RNA homeostasis that are induced by stress or aging. To understand the underlying mechanisms, we focus on macromolecular trafficking, cell organization, and cell signaling pathways. In addition to our work on cell physiology, we engage in multidisciplinary and collaborative research that involves the design, synthesis, and evaluation of nanoparticles for health applications.

Research areas: 
Cell Aging
Cellular Stress Response
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