Chair: chris.buddle [at] (Chris Buddle)
Associate Provost (Teaching and Academic Planning)
James Administration Building, Room 642
Secretary: cindy.smith [at] (Cindy Smith)
Office of the Associate Provost (Teaching and Academic Planning)
James Administration Building, Room 639
Tel: 514-398-2624
Dean Josephine Nalbantoglu
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office
James Administration Building - 4th floor
Sheryl Smith-Gilman
Faculty of Education
David Stephens
Faculty of Science
Alissa Levine
Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences
Laurent Mydlarski
Faculty of Engineering
Jason Carmichael
Faculty of Arts
PGSS Student Representative
Mr. Arthur Rebillard
SSMU Student Representative
Brown Student Services Building, Room 1200
Andrea Di Stefano - Enrolment Services Representative; voice but no vote
Programs, Registration, and Government Reporting
Enrolment Services
Carolyn Samuel - Teaching and Learning Services Representative; voice but no vote
Teaching and Learning Services
Darlene Hnatchuk - Student Services Representative; voice but no vote
Student Services - Career Planning Service