- Internship Awards
- Student Advising
- Student Awards and Bursaries
- Memorial Gifts
- Indigenous Access McGill
- International Community Action Network
- Chair in Canadian-Scottish Studies
- Chair in Modern Greek and Greek-Canadian Studies
Dean of Arts Development Fund
The DADF provides essential funding for programs, such as research internships, department and student-run events, field and archival research projects, and student publications.
Internship Awards
Internships are an integral part of undergraduate programs, since they allow students to apply classroom knowledge to practical situations. The Faculty of Arts stands alone nationally in the scope of services available to students before, during, and after their internship. These include a comprehensive database of opportunities; mandatory pre-departure sessions with experts from Foreign Affairs Canada, medical professionals, and former interns; mandatory cross-cultural training workshops that feature expert consultants on a variety of issues including cultural sensitivity and stages of adaptation; regular communication and 24/7 availability for students abroad; mandatory post-return debrief and reintegration sessions; and opportunities to earn academic credit for their experiences.
Student Advising
McGill has the foundation of a strong advising program that follows a hybrid model. Some services are offered centrally, such as mental health, while other services are offered at the Faculty level to provide targeted support that fits students’ unique needs. To ensure students’ successful integration into campus life, an effective and well-staffed student advising program is vital. The Faculty therefore established the Office of Advising and Student Information Services (OASIS). At OASIS, students meet regularly with professional advisors who help them create academic and career plans and guide their development from entry to job placement. Faculty of Arts advisors provide crucial information about program requirements, guide students through periods of personal, financial, or medical need, and prepare students for the job market. Our advisors ensure that students meet their goals.
Student Awards and Bursaries
Today's students face rising costs and often require advanced degrees to reach their career objectives. At the same time, worldwide competition for the very best students is at an all-time high. To remain competitve on a global scale, McGill must provide financial aid that matches or exceeds what if offered by other elite institutions. McGill's vision of the future is that no qualified student will be prevented from studying here because of financial constraints.From undergraduate entrance and in-course scholarships to graduate and postdoctoral fellowships, students awards ensure that all deserving student reap the life-changing benefits of a McGill education.
For more information, please contact student.awards [at] mcgill.ca (Student Awards).
Memorial Gifts
At McGill we value the bonds of family and friendship, thus it is possible to make a gift in honour or in memory of a special person in your life. To help create a truly lasting legacy for your loved ones, McGill offers a significantly lower cost for endowing scholarships and awards made in memory.
For more information, please contact Angela Crowly at 514 398-6590.
Indigenous Access McGill
Indigenous Access McGill (IAM) is a McGill support program for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis students in Social Work, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Dietetics and Speech, and Language Pathology. With a dedicated team of advisors, IAM offers mentoring and tutoring for Indigenous students on all aspects of their studies at McGill. IAM also serves as a resource centre where Indigenous students can utilize office space, consult documentation, and collaborate with others.
Indigenous Access McGill is also involved in curriculum development with a view to adding content and pedagogy that integrates Indigenous issues. IAM was integral in the development of IDFC 500 – Indigenous Field Studies, and partners on learning opportunities that raise awareness and understanding of Indigenous issues, history, and culture amongst the McGill community.
For more information, please contact courtney.montour [at] mcgill.ca (Courtney Montour).
International Community Action Network
The International Community Action Network (ICAN) was founded as the McGill Middle East Program (MMEP) in 1997. The program uses a Rights-Based Community Practice (RBCP) approach, with the governing concept that social work and law – two disciplines concerned with notions of rights and relationships – work in concert to promote the rule of law among people of diversity both within and between different social groups. Thus, all RBCP Centres maintain an interdisciplinary approach, employing both social workers and lawyers. By situating their offices at street-level in the heart of disadvantaged communities, the centres promote inclusiveness among residents. A broad array of social and legal interventions, such as housing and legal rights and rehabilitation; youth empowerment and education; programs for victims of violence; care and access for the disabled, sick, and elderly; and outreach, public education, government policy research, ultimately lead to individual and community empowerment. The challenge in each place we work is to empower citizens to take charge of their lives with the available means, leading to local ownership of the development process.
Chair in Canadian-Scottish Studies
A short walk through Montreal’s downtown core reveals the enduring role the Scots have played in Canada's growth. From local landmarks like the Royal Montreal Golf and Curling Clubs to national institutions such as the Hudson’s Bay Company, the Canadian Pacific Railway, and the Royal Bank of Canada, we are linked to the contributions of our Scottish countrymen. Founded by a philanthropic gift from Scottish fur-trader, James McGill, McGill University itself embodies the venerable past and thriving present of the Scottish-Canadian influence.
The St. Andrew’s Society of Montreal and McEuen Scholarship Foundation Chair in Canadian-Scottish Studies seeks to enhance and secure Canada's and Scotland's shared heritage. The Chair will undertake new research on Canadian‐Scottish history and culture, promote education and dialogue on the Scots in Canada, and train new Canadian‐Scottish scholars. Most importantly, the Chair will give Canadian‐Scottish studies a place of prominence in academia and cultural studies. The Chair will be housed at the world-renowned McGill Institute for the Study of Canada (MISC) and jointly appointed with the Department of History.
For more information, please contact Angela Crowly at 514 398-6590.
Chair in Modern Greek and Greek-Canadian Studies
The study of the language, history, and culture of Greece has a long tradition at McGill. James A. B. Ramsey became the first Professor of Classical Literature and History in 1834, nine years before the Faculty of Arts was established. Today, the Department of History and Classical Studies continues to attract experts in Greek studies through the Phrixos B. Papachristidis Chair in Modern Greek and Greek-Canadian Studies.
The Chair was established in 1988 in honour of Phrixos B. Papachristidis, a Montreal shipping industrialist. Since then, the fund has been supported by both the Governments of Greece and Canada and by members of Montreal’s Greek community. The Papachristidis Fundraising Committee and McGill University are committed to reaching out to members of the Montreal and International Greek community who, like their parents, faced the challenge of maintaining their language and customs. Together we will ensure a home for Modern Greek Studies in Montreal.
For more information, please contact Angela Crowly at 514 398-6590.