
Chemistry Teaching Assistant Program (Chem TAP)

Six test tubes in a rack next to an erlenmeyer flask. They are all filled with a transluscent blue liquid.

The Chemistry Teaching Assistant Program (Chem TAP) is an initiative that supports the professional development of new, returning, and prospective teaching assistants (TAs).Ìý


Upcoming EventsÌý

January Training MeetingÌý

Thursday January 9, 2024, 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Otto Maass Lab 128

An opportunity for graduate students to hear from instructors and former TAs about teaching in chemistry, and to participate in the following:Ìý

  • For new TAs: Strategies for grading and tips from experienced TAs on how to survive your first term TAing.
  • For returning TAs: Communication strategies for pitching your research to different audiences, whether that’s to undergrads you TA, colleagues at conferences, or to interviewers for prospective jobs.

Pizza will be served! Please bring your own water bottle.Ìý

Past Events

Reflecting through Collage on your TA Position

Friday, November 22, 2024, 3:00-4:30pm, Otto Maass Chemistry Building, room 428

Feel like getting crafty?Ìý

As the semester comes to an end, reflecting on your TA position is a powerful exercise as it both helps you recognize your successes, while also allowing you to pinpoint changes for the future. Collaging is a tool that facilitates reflection by providing a physical space to represent and interrogate your experiences. In this 1.5-hour workshop, we will discuss the history of collage as an art form and then create collages to reflect on your TA positions this past term.Ìý

Please note that this event is for Chemistry TAs only.ÌýThis Chem TAP workshop can count toward fulfilling your TA workload hours for training and professional development. If you've already fulfilled your hours, you are still welcome to attend and participate!Ìý

Program Kickoff

Tuesday, September 3 2024, 5:30-7:30pm, Otto Maass Lab 100

An opportunity for graduate students to hear from instructors and former TAs, and participate in discussions with peers about typical scenarios that occur in Chemistry classrooms and labs, including discussion of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Pizza and refreshments will be served!Ìý

Learn more about Chem TAPÌý

Chem TAP aims to inform and empower graduate students by creating a forum for sharing ideas drawn from the chemistry education literature and lived experiences. Following the Program Kickoff graduate students will receive their blue lab coats on which they can display pins earned for participating in program activities. Participants will develop critical competencies, such as: ÌýÌýÌý

  • Engaging students in active and collaborative learning ÌýÌý

  • Grading fairly and consistently while providing learning-oriented feedback ÌýÌý

  • Demonstrating optimal laboratory techniques ÌýÌý

  • Promoting effective study habitsÌýÌý

  • Creating an inclusive learning environmentÌý

Chem TAP is an initiative of the Chemistry Education Research Group whose members include: April Colosimo (McGill Library); Danielle Kristine Vlaho, Irina Denisova, Jean-Marc Gauthier, Laura Pavelka, Mitchell John Huot, Pallavi Sirjoosingh, Samuel Lewis Sewall, Stephen George (Chemistry); Janette Barrington, Marcy Slapcoff, Véronique Brulé (Office of Science Education).ÌýÌý

Interested in learning more about Chem TAP? Write to us at ose [at] mcgill.ca.

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